The Khunjerab Pass 4700m. Pakistan China Border Via Sost - 2018
Traditional Chinese: 紅其拉甫山口
Simplified Chinese: 红其拉甫山口
Located at 4,700 meters above sea level, the China-Pakistan border crossing, which goes over the Khunjerab pass and the Karakoram Highway, is the highest and, consequently, one of the most beautiful borders in the world. The journey is quite easy and it only requires a little preparation but, due to the strict measures imposed by the Chinese authorities, you will need an extra dose of patience.
The road that connects Sost with the Chinese and Pakistani border is a twisting 90km road that goes through snowy peaks and plains, with yak herds grazing. The scenery is truly awesome and, by the way, this is also the highest paved road in the world.
Pakistan immigration Sost
Sost or Sust is the last town inside Pakistan
The Sost dry port is connected by the Karakoram Highway to Gulmit, Aliabad, Gilgit and Chilas on the south and to the Chinese cities of Tashkurgan, Upaland Kashgar in the north. The Northern Areas Transport Corporation offers passenger road service between Islamabad, Gilgit and Sost. Passenger road service between Tashkurgan and Sost also exists. Road service between Kashgar and Gilgit (via Tashkurgan and Sost) started in summer 2006. However, the border crossing between China and Pakistan at Khunjerab Pass (the highest border of the world) is open only between May 1 and October 15. During winter, the roads are blocked by snow.
wow some rare old snaps of china-pak boarder...